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UNiiQA+ Mono 16k, 50kHz, CL
합리적 비용 및 우수한 성능의 CMOS Line scan 카메라

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대체 제품


Unleash the potential of your inspection system

The Teledyne e2v UNiiQA+ series offers a range of line scan cameras that have been optimised for low-cost inspection equipment. The cameras are available in monochrome and Bayer colour, with resolutions of 2k, 4k and 16k, and a CameraLink or GigE Vision over NBASE-T (5 Gb/s) interface.

The 5µm pixel pitch sensor design enables the UNiiQA+ to stand out as the most compact line scan camera on the market today and it is C-mount compatible at any resolution up to 4k pixels.

Typical Applications

  • •Roughness and scratch detection
  •   in surface inspection (glass, paper, metal, textile)
  • • Presence control in pharmaceutical inspection
  • • Damage detection in rail inspection applications
  • • Character recognition in document scanning,
  •    parcel and postal sorting

주요 사양

Family UNiiQA+ 
Partnumber EV71YC1MCL1605-BA2 
Number of Pixels 16384 pixel
Number of Lines
Line Rate 50 kHz
Pixel Size 5 μm
Interface Camera Link 
Chroma Mono 
Responsivity 8.56 DN/nJ/cm2(8bit@최소게인)
Dynamic Range 67 dB
Sensor size(Image Circle) 81.92 mm
Sensor type CMOS 
Mount F/ T2/ M42 x 1 
Maker Teledyne Dalsa 


구분 파일명 다운로드
카달로그 [2025년] 앤비젼 전제품 카달로그 다운로드
카달로그 UNiiQA+ 16k Brochure 다운로드
데이터시트 UNiiQA+ 16k 50kHz Mono CameraLink Datasheet 다운로드
매뉴얼 UNiiQA+ 16k 50kHz Mono CameraLink Manual 다운로드
3D 도면 UNiiQA+ 16k CL High-resolution Camera 3D model (STEP) 다운로드

관련 제품