Logger Script
Rodagon 5.6/105
매우 일정한 이미징 품질 및 다양한 배율 범위를 갖춘 고성능 렌즈


The Linos measuring lenses developed by Qioptiq feature the highest resolution, excellent contrast, minimum distortion and color neutrality. They sharply reproduce images all the way to the very edges of the object.

High-performance lens featuring a highly consistent imaging quality and broad magnification range.

Key features

- Suitable for line-scan cameras and large imaging sensors

- Large image circle up to 105 mm

- High numerical aperture

- Adapter available for all common camera interfaces

- Focal length: 28 ... 135 mm

- Magnification range: - 0.03 ... -0.5

- Spectral range: 400-750 nm

- Iris diaphragm: manual, click-stop

- Mount: M39x1/26" (Leica)

- Filter thread: M40.5x0.5


Large format 렌즈의 배율, F/# 입력을 통해

유용한 정보를 얻을 수 있습니다.


1) Back Focal Length

2) Working Distance

3) Total Track

4) DOF

주요 사양

Family Rodagon 
Partnumber 0701-394-000-40 
Magnification range 0.06 ~ 0.5 x
Magnification 0.17 x
Image circle 104 mm
Focal length 106.4 mm
F/# 5.6 
Wavelength 400 ~ 750 
Type Fixed focal length 
Mount M39 
Maker Qioptiq 


구분 파일명 다운로드
카달로그 [2024년] 앤비젼 전제품 카달로그 다운로드
카달로그 Apo-Rodagon / Rodagon / Rogonar-s Brochure (한글) 다운로드
데이터시트 Rodagon 105 Datasheet 다운로드
3D 도면 Rodagon 105 Lens 3D model (STEP) 다운로드
3D 도면 Rodagon 105 azimuth Lens 3D model (STEP) 다운로드
3D 도면 Rodagon 105 full metal Lens 3D model (STEP) 다운로드

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