Logger Script
SM2, 14.8kHz, CL
e2v 4k Line scan 카메라

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This smarter camera offers improved accuracy, versatility and easy implementation and can be interfaced with all major Camera Link and LVDS frame grabbers.

The compact mechanical design incorporates all sensors from 512 to 4096 pixels (10 or 14 micron pixel size) and can operate up to 12 bits with flat-field correction and contrast expansion functions.

All features combined, the AVIIVA SM2 is ideal for demanding industrial applications such as food sorting, wood or currency inspection, CD or DVD quality control or flat panel displays.

주요 사양

Partnumber AT71YSM2CL4010-BA0 
Number of Pixels 4096 pixel
Number of Lines
Line Rate 14.8 kHz
Pixel Size 10 μm
Interface Camera Link 
Chroma Mono 
Responsivity 3.625 DN/nJ/cm2(8bit@최소게인)
Dynamic Range 64 dB
Sensor size(Image Circle) 40.96 mm
Sensor type CCD 
Mount C/ F/ T2/ M42 x 1 
Maker Teledyne e2v 


구분 파일명 다운로드
카달로그 [2024년] 앤비젼 전제품 카달로그 다운로드
매뉴얼 AViiVA SM2 CameraLink Manual 다운로드

관련 제품